Innoland is a young and innovative company with a multidisciplinary team of professionals to serve our clients, comprising engineers with real experience in management and execution of R&D projects both at Spanish and European level.
We are a consulting firm providing support services in innovation management for Spanish and European SMEs belonging to the ICT sector in order to advise and encourage the development of new products and services aligned with the strategic and core business priorities of the clients through the implementation of open innovation practices and boosting their participation in national and European R&D programmes.
Innoland dynamizes the innovation practices in SMEs and teach them to manage the grants and public and private funding for all their R&D activities, management focused on the entire life cycle of the innovation process, from conception of the project idea and the writing and submission of the proposal, to the implementation, technical and economic justification, to technology transfer and exploitation of results, protection of innovations generated and the application of tax deductions.
Innoland is a team of people committed to a real management of innovation in SMEs, open and directed innnovation, acting as a sustainable boost of their economic engines and truly part of their company culture. In this learning process, we teach to consider the funding of R&D as a means and not an end in itself, drawing a customized R&D plan, supporting the generation of ideas and preparing technical proposals aimed at exploiting the results and commercialisation of key products for client corporate strategy, always looking to improve competitiveness. All this accompanied by a controlled, safe and effective administrative management of R&D activities.
Innoland is composed of Doctors and Engineers in Telecommunications and Information Technology with extensive experience in ICT and R&D projects in national (PROFIT, AVANZA I + D, AVANZA Competitividad I+D+i, AVANZA Contenidos Digitales, INNPACTO, PID and national and international Interempresas CDTI, CENIT, INNPRONTA, INNVOLUCRA, INNCORPORA, NEOTEC) and international (FP7-ICT, FP7-ENV, CIP, eContent Plus, SME-DCL, EUREKA CELTIC Plus, ITEA2, Eurostars) with real clients. As a result, our vision of innovation and of the activities and projects of R&D combine the credibility of professional services with basic research and academic proposals.
Innoland is focused and specialized in the area of Information Technology and Communications both at national and European level having a wide network of SMEs and public and private research institutions that allow us to compose the most competitive and well-balanced consortia and maintain an updated scientific, technological and methodological knowledge in the field of ICT.