Innoland participates in the project Financial Twitter Tracker within the programme AVANZA Digital Content with other Spanish companies and Universities.
Project: Financial Twitter Tracker
Grant Agreement: TSI-090100-2011-114
Consortium: Paradigma Tecnológico (coordinator), FinancialRed Networks, Innoland Gestión de la Innovación and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
The main objective of Financial Twitter Tracker is the enrichment of financial content information extracted from Twitter social media, and the detection of demand for new financial content in certain topics. To this end, an analysis and evaluation system of financial information on Twitter will be developed in order to extract, monitor, visualize and evaluate the weight, variation, temporal propagation and relationships of the data.
The specific objectives of the project Financial Twitter Tracker are:
- Content enrichment based on topics found out on Twitter.
- To improve the value chain of content creation and distribution, linking the demand detected with the generation, cataloging and distribution of contents.
- To create a data tracking and acquisition system on Twitter based on linguistic and semantic technologies that is able to extract intelligently the relevant information.
- To analyze the spread of information on Twitter trying to infer patterns of behavior.
- To reserach on the use of advanced visualization techniques that allow a graphically represention of the spread of Twitter memes and their relationships.
- To create a storage system for large volumes of data, using no relational databases, that is able to accommodate complex data with an adequate performance.
Project co-financed by:
Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism in the National Plan for Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2008-2011 – TSI-090100-2011-114